
杜兹设计 | 成都市金牛区图书馆及外化成中学:以空中横向延伸打破场地束缚【设计画报86期】



杜兹设计 成都市金牛区图书馆及外化成中学




DUTS design has recently completed the new“Chengdu Jinniu District Library”, after four years of construction. The project is located in the northern part of the downtown area of Chengdu. As a cultural landmark of the Jinniu District, it comes out as a surprising "three-dimensional book" for the city of Chengdu with its unique and charming architectural image, reflecting the public culture of the new era into a high-level of architectural culture.


Project background and design challenges







The Jinniu District Library is located in the south of “Tianfu Cultural Landscape Axis” on Jinniu Avenue in Chengdu. The cultural presence of Southwest china is strong as you walk along this axis. The project includes two functional programs: Jinniu District Library and Waihuacheng Middle School.


The design challenge of the project:

Functional challenge:

The Jinniu District Library includes a library, a local chronicle and an archive, which have enormous space requirements; Waihuacheng Middle School needs to be placed on the south-east of the teaching space to ensure that the teachers and the students enjoy sufficient sunshine and outdoor playground activity.


Site Restraint:  

The site is long and narrow with a 36 meters plot height limit.


Waihuacheng Middle School is located at the southern end of the plot to maximize the use of the middle school playground and the sunlight conditions;  the library is located on the north side, bordering with an urban green space that is “borrowed” as the front square for the library, saving plenty of space in the overall layout. This decision has been made with multiple design iterations, taking rational needs and functions into consideration. 


Breaking through imagination: breaking land constraints with a horizontal overhang




The Jinniu District Library and Waihuacheng Middle School are divided by a west-east bound road on the north side of the site. The boundaries are clear and independent. The layout achieved the “full use of the land”. However, it is still difficult to fully meet the functional requirements of two large programs. As a district-level library, the Jinniu District library has functions like local chronicles, and archives. It is a comprehensive public-cultural project due to its demands for a large volume of spaces and urban pockets for the public.  




How to create a public cultural building with the characteristics of cultural landmarks and meeting space requirements in a site with height restrictions on the top of a small triangular plot?


项目的总设计师,DUTS杜兹设计的创始人钟凌提到,“这个项目上其实我们用了一种“升维”的设计思考,将城市规划设计的思路融入到了建筑形态的实践中。金牛区图书馆和它旁边的外化成中学,实际上是两个社会功能的地块,但它们又有着文化上的一致性,且恰好属于同一个业主。在多种方案推敲之下,我们最后创新性地利用空中的横向延伸,将图书馆顶层的一部分空间 “悬挑”到了外化成中学的教学楼之上,打破了场地条件的束缚,让两个建筑的功能与形态实现了完美的“互补”,增加了城市空间的使用效率,也成为了这个建筑最大的特色。”


The chief designer of the project, Zhong Ling, the founder of DUTS Design, mentioned, “In this project, we actually used a kind of "upgrading" design thinking, and integrated the idea of urban planning and design into the architectural form. The Jinniu District Library and the Waihuacheng Middle School next to it are actually two plots of social functions, but they are culturally consistent, and they happen to belong to the same owner. Under the deliberation of multiple plans, we finally Innovatively use the horizontal extension of the building in the sky to "cantilever" part of the top floor space of the library onto the teaching building of the Waihuacheng Middle School. This design breaks the constraints of the site conditions and allows the functions and forms of the two buildings to beachieved perfect "complementarity", increasing the use efficiency of urban space, and becoming the biggest highlight of this building."


Exquisite layout of three-dimensional space


The library building in Jinniu District is made up of three rectangles with different volumes intersected with each other. The library building is partially suspended above the school. The facade adopts a glass and metal curtain wall system with a steel structural system. The light volume contrasts with the stable and heavy shape of the original parking lot, reflecting the high technology of modern architecture. This design also reinforces the integrity and interaction of the two independent plots.


The shape of the building takes the meaning of "three-dimensional book", which combines the cultural meaning of the book with the clean lines of modern architecture. The library and school are shaped with bright straight lines. By extending the deep lines, the inner area of the library can be maximized. The degree of expansion, abstractly extracts and integrates the morphological elements of bamboo slips and books, presenting a continuous and rising trend as a whole, concise and dynamic, magnificent and lively, implying the flourishing urban humanistic spirit.



The library adopts the layout method of partitioning by layer. The main body of the library is located on the 1st to 3rd floors of the building, the archives is located on the 4th to 6th floors, and the local chronicles are located in the semi-basement. The divisions are clearly defined and their respective flow lines do not interfere with each other. The library, the local chronicles, the archives and the school are organically integrated, and the flow is transparent and smooth.




Architects not only start from the plan to meet the balance and unity of various functions, instead we tend to focus on the overall three-dimensional space to create a humanized and pleasant space. Utilize the greening of the inner courtyard and the afforestation of the terrace to organize a multi-level landscape environment, provide natural ventilation, strive for good sunlight, and create a spacious and bright modern urban public cultural space.


The large hall on the first floor of the library is transparent and open, creating a relaxed atmosphere, which can encourage people to communicate to each other giving guests a comfortable feeling of being at home.



A seven-story atrium is set up in the middle of the building, which effectively solves the problem of lighting inside the building and breaks the dull pattern of the building’s shape. The introduction of natural light not only saves electricity, is green and environmentally friendly, but it is also made of glass and metal transparent roof that can show an ever-changing atmosphere under different lights and shadows, but without glare.




The library's reading room adopts an open-shelf style, introducing the internationally popular ladder concept. The reading room is arranged across floors and has a strong orientation. The design is similar to a "book spiral", which also implies the continuity and rise of knowledge acquisition.




After the completion of the project, it has become a new cultural landmark in Jinniu District, Chengdu. While creating surprising visual effects for the citizens, the space can also meet the needs of many different types of activities and scenes.


Facade curtain wall to create a new type of "ecological building"






The Jinniu District Library strives to achieve energy saving and ecological environmental protection from the facade and the spatial layout of the plan.


The sunshine analysis of the curtain wall is based on the statistics of annual meteorological data in Chengdu. The result is the annual average solar radiation of the windowed part of the facade, which can intuitively and accurately reflect the solar radiation of each glass of the building. Based on scientific analysis, it provides a strong basis for creating an energy-saving and ecological building design.


黄色为最大太阳辐射值,蓝色为最小值。北立面受到全年的太阳辐射最大, 东西立面次之,南立面最小,出于建筑造型的考虑,建筑立面设计了竖向隔扇,依据此次建筑立面的太阳辐射计算,可对隔扇设计进行优化,设计出更为节能优化的立面隔扇。

Operation conclusion description:

Yellow is the maximum solar radiation value, and blue is the minimum. The north façade receives the most of the solar radiation throughout the year, followed by the east-west façade, and the south façade is the lowest. For architectural modeling considerations, the building facade is designed with vertical partitions. According to the calculation of the solar radiation the partition were optimized to provide a better energy-saving.



After four years, the Jinniu District Library and Waihuacheng Middle School project in Chengdu were finally completed. Through the design thinking of upgrading and the exploration of innovative architectural forms, the architects broke through the constraints of land use conditions and created an environment for the city and citizens. Both bring positive effects in the public cultural space.












建筑设计:Ahn Yunsil、Ellix WU、张丹凤



DUTS 杜兹设计事务所(DUTS design)由旅法建筑师钟凌于2010年成立于中国上海,是一家具有法国学院派背景的建筑设计事务所。DUTS杜兹拒绝平庸的设计,一直在理性基础上追求与探索建筑的多维极限,并坚信建筑与空间中释放的巨大潜能可以为社会,需求方及大众创造更大的价值。









Founder of DUTSdesign

French National Registered Architect

HMONP Architect Qualification for Practicing in Europe

Master of Architecture in ENSAPLV

Guest Teacher of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

杜兹设计(DUTS design)创始人是中国建筑师钟凌。钟凌曾留学法国,师从法国知名建筑师艾里克.杜博斯克先生(Eric Dubosc),于2010年创立杜兹设计,将欧洲成熟的的设计思维、先进的技术模式与国内具体实情结合起来,巧妙并理性地运用到国内实际项目中,在城市规划设计,公共建筑,城市更新,空间设计,品牌运营策划等领域都有丰富实践经验。

2016年入选天津大学出版社出版的《中国当代⻘年建筑师》。钟凌主持设计了包括临夏⺠族大剧院,临夏奥体中⼼体育馆,兰州引大入秦工程管理局,成都金牛区图书馆等作品,多次被Archdaily、谷德等影响力较高的国外媒体报道。“悬浮战舰:幸福码头8号空间改造项目”和“反引力复合型多功能办公空间”,分别在2018与2019年获得由ELLE DECO家居廊发布的《中国室内设计年鉴》年度最佳办公空间大奖,及IDA美国国际设计奖等国际奖项。

Chinese architect Zhong Ling is the founder of DUTS design. Zhong Ling is a French National Registered Architect, has got HMONP Architect Qualification for Practicing in Europe. He is also EMBA of China-Europe International Business School and Guest Teacher of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Zhong Ling studied Architecture in ENSAPLV (Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris la Villette) from the well-known French architect Eric Dubosc and founded DUTS design in 2010. He has combined the mature European design thinking and advanced technology model, together with the specific domestic situation in China, rationally and innovatively applied to domestic projects. Zhong Ling and DUTS's architectural design practice covers urban design, architectural design and space design. He organically combines different dimensions of design thinking.

In 2016, Zhong Ling was selected as "Chinese Contemporary Architects" published by Tianjin University Press. Zhong Ling has presided over the design of works including the Linxia Grand Theater, Linxia Olympic Sports Center Stadium, Lanzhou Yinda Qin Engineering Administration, Chengdu Jinniu Library and other projects, which have been repeatedly reported by media both in China and overseas.  "A suspended battleship" and "Anti-gravity Multi-functional office" have won the "China Interior Design Annual" Best Office Space Award issued by ELLE DECO in 2018 and 2019, and the IDA Design Award in 2019.









DUTS rejects mediocre design.


From 2010, we keep pursuing and exploring the multi-dimensional limits of architecture on a rational basis, and firmly believe the huge potential from architecture and space can create greater value for society, project owners and the public.


DUTS design believes that design should be closely linked with the public and the society. We are committed to combine the aesthetic value and the social value to bring the professional design to the public, as a translator of design.


Uniform design is not the objective. We believe that each building should have its own unique personality. The essence of architecture is to serve people. Different functional improvements and requirements must be considered, and ensure that the realization of functions is the first task. We believe that a good project is completed in the joint of the clients and the designers.


Each project has its unique genes. According to the full project personality investigation, through the injection of cultural and artistic emotions, a boring site conceived as a life with thoughts. Architectural experience comes from an entire structure, from the inner bones to the spatial skins, also the satisfaction of rational needs to the triggering of perceptual details. Designers need to control the structure, space, each detail of layout, materials and lighting to present a work that connects internal genes and thoughts of the clients.





